Esperanza High School
Graduation Requirements & College Entrance Requirements
High School
Graduation Requirements
A-G Subject Requirements
History/Social Science (3 years)
- World History
- U.S. History
- Gov/Econ
A. History (2 years)
- World History/AP European History
- U.S. History/AP U.S. History
English Language Arts (4 years)
B. English Language Arts (4 years)
- LA 1/ LA 1 H
- LA 2/ LA 2H /AP Sem
- LA 3/ AP Lang/ AP Sem
- CSU ERWC/ AP Lit / AP Sem
Math (20 credits- Including Algebra)
- Algebra 1A or higher
- Algebra 1B or higher
C. Math
- Algebra 1
- Geometry/ Geometry H
- Alg. 2 Trig/ Alg. 2 Trig H or Intro to Data Science
Science (2 years)
- Living Earth
- Chemistry in the Earth System or Physics in the Universe
D. Science
- Living Earth/Living Earth H
- Chemistry in the Earth System/Chemistry in the Earth System H or Physics in the Universe/Physics in the Universe H
Fine Art, World Language or CTE Course (1 year)
- Fine Art
- World Language
- Career Technical Ed. Course
E. World Language
P.E. or Equivalent (20 credits)
F. Visual/Performing Arts (10 credits)
College & Career Readiness
G. College Prep Elective (1 year)
- Govt/Econ or AP Govt/Econ
Community Service (40 hours)
UC/CSU will only accept a “C” or better each semester in any college prep class to qualify a student for admission to the college
- Students must complete 230 credits to graduate