SSC/ELAC Homepage
The school site council is a group of teachers, parents, classified employees, and students that works with administration to develop, review and evaluate school improvement programs and budgets. The members of the site council are elected by their peers. For example, parents elect the parent representatives and teachers elect teachers. SSC provides input and advice to admin on the school budget and the academic or school improvement plan (WASC Action Plan). In addition to academic planning, many site councils are also responsible for making decisions about parent engagement, safety and discipline. Over the course of a year, a typical council might consider the goals of the school or district and then work with admin to evaluate the school’s progress toward those goals. In this evaluation, the council might consider school test scores, attendance and discipline records, parent surveys and input from students.
The ELAC is a group of English Learner parents and community members who advise and assist schools in making important decisions related to services for English Learners. It can also be a meeting place that parents can use as a platform to express their concerns and ideas to both the school and to inform the decisions of the School Site Council.
How do you get involved as a parent?
Contact the EHS office if you wish to get more information on SSC or ELAC. See posted agendas throughout the year for meeting dates/times.