Athletics » Athletic Clearances

Athletic Clearances

Athletic Clearance for the New School Year (2024-2025): 
All parents of athletes must complete the online 24-25 registration. All athletes must be cleared to participate in school sports.  
When registering, you will only need to create one account. Please make sure that you save your username and password. You may register your athlete for more than one sport.
The sports physical and copy of the insurance card (front and back) must be turned in prior to the athlete trying out or practicing to the Athletic Office. 

Sports Pre-Participation Physical Form: In addition to registering for your sport, you are required to turn in an original Physical to the Front Office. No copies will be accepted. The physical form can be found below or under the Athletics tab (no other forms from your doctor will be accepted). Please make sure the bottom of the physical is filled out and each box filled in by the doctor.

Proof of Health Insurance - Mandatory: You may upload a front and back copy of your athlete’s health insurance card through HomeCampus registration, or you may hand deliver it to the front office. To enroll in the Myers-Stevens Insurance program, go to:


If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Botello (Athletic Clerk) by email: [email protected] or calling (714) 986-7540 Ext. 13121 between 9:30 am and 1:15 pm.