PTSA » Membership: WHY?

Membership: WHY?

The Esperanza High School PTSA invites every Parent, Teacher, Student and community member to join with PTSA, as we work to make Esperanza High School the best it can be for out students.
Your Esperanza PTSA membership supports the following programs:

The Placentia Yorba Linda Unified Council of PTAs/PTSAs represents over 10,000 members at 32 schools in the Placentia Yorba Linda Unified School District. The Council celebrates over 50 years of supporting the local units in our district. The Council strives to educate unit leaders, model good parliamentary procedures and advocate on behalf of our members. We also provide thousands of dollars in scholarships to deserving graduating seniors annually.


Your Esperanza PTSA membership support the following Esperanza High School programs:
  • Aztec University
  • Mock SAT/ACT Testing
  • Career Day
  • Student leadership training
  • Creative Arts/Reflections Program
  • Staff Appreciation luncheons
  • Aztec Pride Day 
  • Honorary Service Awards
  • Distinguished Aztec Academic Recognition (DAAR)
  • Student of the Month
  • Scholarships
  • And more!
How to join Esperanza PTSA
Standard Membership $19 Receives 1 membership and various offers from local merchants, including Chick-fil-A.
Warrior Membership $60 Receives 2 membership and various offers from local merchants, including Chick-fil-A.
Aztec Membership $120 Receives 3 memberships, an Esperanza sticker and various offers from local merchants, including Chick-fil-A.
Cardinal Membership $175 Receives 3 memberships, an Esperanza sticker and various offers from local merchants, including Chick-fil-A, and 1 Esperanza sweatshirt (pictured above).
Deliver sweatshirt to student: __________________________________  Small Medium Large XLarge
Gold Membership $250 Receives 4 memberships, an Esperanza sticker and an Esperanza magnet, various offers from local merchants, including Chick-fil-A, and 2 Esperanza sweatshirt (pictured above).
Deliver sweatshirt to student:  _________________________________   Small Medium Large XLarge
Thank you for supporting Esperanza High School Students and Faculty! 
All memberships and donations are tax deductible!
Become a member (please indicate Student, Parent, Staff member, names)