Elizabeth "Liz" Chavez » Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: We just moved to this area; how do I know which school to enroll my student in?
A: Just enter the name of the street you live on (no street number or other details) in the "Find Your School" page on our District's website.
Q: We just moved to the area and Esperanza is our student's designated high school; how do I enroll my student?
A: Print out the Registration Instruction sheet which will guide you through the enrollment process.
Q: We don't live within the Esperanza HS boundaries but we do live within the PYLUSD boundaries and would like our students to attend Esperanza; what do we need to do?
A: Contact Student Services at the District Office at 714-985-8670 and tell them you are interested in applying for a Choice Transfer. 
Q: We don't live within the PYLUSD boundaries but would like our student to attend Esperanza; what do we need to do?
A: You will first need to go to your District Office of Residence and tell them you are interested in applying for an Inter-District Transfer.  If your home district approves and releases your student, then you will submit that approval to PYLUSD Student Services for approval on our end.  This process also applies to students living outside our district who are interested in applying to one of Esperanza's academies (an additional application is required for acceptance into our academies-go to "Program" on our school website).