
This is my 20th year as an educator (all at Esperanza) and I am excited to teach and work with all my brilliant scientists & amazing decathletes this year.  I will be using Google classroom for information to students and parents.  You can find my teaching schedule & various class codes below.  
If you are interested in donating to our classroom, I have an Amazon wishlist and a list of items that would be helpful in the classroom. https://bit.ly/nguyenvaldez-wishlist
School Supplies Frequently Used in Class:
  • Chromebook (assignments will be online)
  • Pens, pencils & highlighters
  • Notebook or lined paper (recommended)
  • Colored pencils (recommended)
  • Expo or dry erase markers (recommended - to use on individual white boards)
  • Metric ruler (recommended)
2023-2024 Teaching Schedule (with Google Classroom codes in parentheses):
Period 1: Honors Living Earth (iuigpxc)
Period 2: Honors Living Earth (exeujr6)
Period 3: AVID 11 (3cshkix)
Period 4: Honors Living Earth (dg42z22)
Period 5: Living Earth (wc5gedi)
Period 6: Conference
Period 7: Academic Decathlon (OCAD class) (pvwrr2n)
Academic Decathlon (Period 7) LinkTree with links for Remind, social media and Google Classroom